• We are FlexMAR

    Med pass management perfected. Ease of use, best of breed visual design, and near infinite modular extension to provide virtually any medical management requirement. FlexMAR provides a single tool to manage all requirements. Even on-line training is included to bring your new staff up to speed in under an hour.

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  • Medication Tracking made easy

    Extremely visual, intuitive interface complete with on-line training and "at your elbow" electronic reference guide make FlexMAR a breeze for new users. Agency policies are easily enforced through a range of simple "check the box" options for how you want your system to manage your medical management process.

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  • Questions? Comments?

    Want to learn more? Call or email to arrange a no obligation introductory webinar. Give us 30 minutes to show you our approach and how we see med pass management. Perfected.

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What you look for

A comprehensive, felxible medical management system that offers more than the traditional capacities offered by conventional eMARs. You have now found your solution.

The most comprehensive and affordable eMAR/eTAR system available.

We can automate virtually any tracking/medical management task in your agency service profile. Many of the features you will find in FlexMAR can be found only in FlexMAR. No other eMAR offers close to the breadth of functionality that FlexMAR provides.

  • Keep your agency's core competencies while increasing efficiency at the lowest possible cost.